SOS : Let us push EKO Disco out of Lekki Phase1. Enough is Enough.

Save Our Soul in Lekki Phase 1

By Wole Arisekola 

EKO DISCO is charging us an end-user tariff but we hardly have 4 hours of light in a day.
Let us come out to defend our rights.
We are not slaves but educated people.
Let us push EKO Disco out of Lekki Phase1.
Enough is Enough.

There is a private power generating and distributing plant in Lekki Phase 1.
They can generate over 50MW of power, which is enough to power Lekki Phase 1 24/7.

EKDC has constantly refused to work with them even though they have failed to power Lekki with up to 16hrs of light per day. The best of what EKDC has been load-shedding and sharing amongst their customers in Lekki Phase 1 is 6hrs or less per day or nothing at all on some days.

Viathan, which has the capacity to power Lekki 1, does not have the license to power residentials but commercials under Lagos state. We have constantly called on EKDC to try and accommodate Viathan for our sake as they (EKDC) have the right to the distribution wires and feeders in Lekki but they have vehemently refused. This is not fair on us, the residents.

What we demand is:

1. For the Minister to help change the commercial license Viathan has right now, to one that can power Lekki 1 resident ASAP.

2. That EKDC should give Viathan the right of passage and use of their distribution system in Lekki 1 so that it will be easier for them to distribute power to all the residences here.

These are the two major prayers we hope the Honorable Minister can help us with, to make our lives worth living and give us good health.

Thank you.
Aare Wole Arisekola

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